Joliet Business Valuation Lawyer

Much depends on the division of a business in divorce, whether it is a professional practice, convenience store or construction company. Very often, the business must be broken up or sold off, to get at the underlying value. Some businesses go on, but not as profitably. People may lose their jobs. When it’s a family business, both spouses may lose a meaningful and lucrative part of their lives.

In addition, the sale of the business can trigger a host of serious tax issues that an inexperienced lawyer will not see coming.

Clearly, you do not want division of your business property to be managed by a beginner, or a lawyer with numerous unrelated practice areas. At The Law Office of Dawn R. Underhill, our reputation includes our facility for dealing with complex business division issues.

The Problem Of Valuing A Family Business

Evaluating businesses and real estate holdings in divorce is one of the most complex tasks in family law. Effectiveness requires a strong analytical ability and appraisals by authoritative experts.

Complex property division problems often resist simple resolution at the negotiating table. When this happens, you want a skilled lawyer presenting your side.

Attorney Dawn Underhill has successfully managed the division of a wide variety of business types. In addition to business valuation, she is skilled in the valuation and division of business properties; stocks, bonds, and mutual funds; retirement funds, including stock options; and unique items such as furnishings and art. At all times she is alert to tax problems that may arise from the valuation. Likewise, she is adept at locating assets that have not been disclosed.

When your assets are substantial, you want a lawyer accustomed to complex division problems. Contact Joliet, Illinois, business valuation attorney Dawn R. Underhill for a free initial consultation.

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Office Location

The Law Office of Dawn R. Underhill

63 W. Jefferson Street
Suite 101
Joliet, IL 60432



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